Le Nouveau Rocher
The Monolith devised by Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick in 2001: Space Odyssey introduces the notion of extra-terrestrial intelligence, but also that of its entry into human history. Humans became aware that they are part of a vastness that surpasses them. The Monolith plays an active role in its environment; it changes and transforms it by light and sound. By taking as a starting point this parallelepiped, Le Nouveau Rocher is an original audiovisual installation which was created during a workshop with Studio Z1. The latter came to life at Mirage Festival and questioned the public by its intriguing and calm appearance.
- Year: 2019
- Technique: Projection mapping, wood
- Projet led by Camille Dedieu, Laurent Novac and Marc Attalah.
- Credits: Y. Gheribi, V. Belet, F. Harik, T. Francart, Z. Peter Jiajun, L. Chiffelle, A. Groebli, J. Hug, M. Reymondin.
- Photos: HEAD – Genève, Michel Giesbrecht